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The Society of Half-Glassed Thinking™


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Half-Glassed Thinking



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From the Founder

I am a lifelong pessimist and perfectionist. It's a deadly combination. Unfortunately there is not a twelve-step program for people like me. They tried, but they couldn't make it good enough and concluded it probably wouldn't work anyway.

Seriously, the combination of pessimism and perfectionism IS a deadly combination. It makes for a lot of negative thinking and I have done more than my share. In the process, I have damaged myself, my family, and my career.

In recent years, I have begun to learn a little about the importance of developing and maintaining a positive attitude. I have learned that without a positive attitude, a person is unlikely to succeed in any aspect of life.

Thinking about this, speaking about it, and creating this web site are part of my own strategies for increasing the amount of half-glassed thinking in my life. If I can help you, too, that would be great.

If so, please drop me a line: Jim at halfglassedthinking.com .

(Sorry to make life difficult, but I'm trying to defeat those nasty programs that collect email addresses from the web and then send them spam.)

Jim Meek
Founder, President, Poster Boy for Negative Thinking

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